The Miradouro da Graça viewpoint, also known as Miradouro Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, is especially popular with young people who seek some cooling down in the shade of the pine trees on the terrace of the café.
Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
This miradouro contains a bronze statue of the Portuguese poet Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen (1919 – 2004). From our local sources it was previously said that they ‘O mar dos meus olhos‘ (The sea of my eyes) written near the miradouro, but what turns out now. We were misinformed.
Indeed the poem ‘O mar dos meus olhos‘ is not from the poetess at all.
Miradouro as next stop
A 10 minute walk to the north, on an even higher hill you will find Miradouro da Nossa Senhora do Monte. Because this miradouro is even higher, the view is even more spectacular.
More about our favorite miradouros »
How to get to Miradouro da Graça
Address: Calçada da Graça. Graça