Until 1998, the Ponte 25 Abril bridge from Lisbon was the only access to the south – and it was in the middle of the city. So when the World Fair of 1998 came to Lisbon, the traffic problem was solved for many Lisboetas: the Ponte Vasco da Gama bridge was opened.
The bridge connects Lisbon (Sacavém) with Montijo (on the other side of the Tagus river, where many Lisboetas work). A good friend of mine cut his travelling time to work from almost 2 hours (by traffic on and around Ponte 25 Abril) to less than 45 minutes! The alternative route delivered what it promised: relieving traffic on the Ponte 25 Abril.
The Ponte Vasco Da Gama is the second longest bridge in Europe, with more than 17 kilometers (17,185 to be precise, that’s 10.5 miles). The longest bridge? That you’ll find in Denmark, the Great Belt Fixed Link (or Storebæltsbroen).
Toll bridge
It’s unimportant to know who built the bridge (it was the company Lusoponte), but it is interesting to know that this private company has a concession for 40 years for this bridge. In 2016, the toll was almost 3 euros, and thousands of vehicles passed every day.
Only northbound traffic pays toll,going south is free.
* price checked February 2019